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Changes - YouTube Here I come

Aside from the books and courses I've written there are further developments at Alchemy Therapies. Moving ahead to reach more people. I have been training in Funnel creation and Youtube Advertising. I determined at the start of the year that I would have to attract more people to this understanding of healing via the body. But it's a hard one to describe if you've never experienced it. Despite being an award winning therapist, I know that most people will not be aware of me or what I do. So how to extend my reach beyond those that have already come across me?

The art of transformation - Alchemy Therapies

This is the idea behind funnel marketing. Basically a funnel is anything that draws people to your services or products and one of the most successful apparently is Google (who own YouTube). But how do people make video ads without a massive budget? They learn to do it themselves... which is what I have been doing via the Aducator platform (run by marketing company AD Clients - brainchild of Jon Pemberthy, a UK entrepreneur who teaches people to sell online courses. I had toyed with many different courses before signing up with this one but what I liked was - he's based in the UK (so I felt he'd understand the market here better) AND they offered to create a funnel for you that you just input your information into.

Well it wasn't quite that simple - there was an awful lot of work to set it up and get it to automate and talk to the webinar hosting platform Everwebinar. I have had 6 months of a massive learning curve and quite a lot of frustration. Even now I am taking part in online clinics to try to sort out the glitches that have occurred. It's not been at all easy and some days I have wanted to give up! But here I am now with one YouTube ad which is going out to 5 countries internationally: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. So far it's been seen by nearly 1000 people and I've had calls with interested people from all over the world.

My aim is to offer the Emotional Masterclass (online training programme plus 121s with me) to people willing to make the transition to 'thrival'. I believe I have something unique and unrivalled. Join me in discovering how you too can thrive. Now just to get the tech working!!


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